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House Competition

The House Competition is a passive year long competition, played amongst the 4 houses of the club. Upon entry into one of the clubs fixture programs (junior and senior), players will be randomly allocated into a house at the start of each year. The house colours are Red, Blue, Yellow & Green. 


Points for your house can be earnt through participation in any of the fixture programs and events such as the House Carnival, Handicup, Club Championships or Working Bee. More points can be earnt through placing in your fixtures competition or in events such as Club Championships.


Ultimately, each member of the House with the most accumulated points at the end of the calendar year will each receive a voucher to the Proshop (to be eligible you must contribute 40 points to your house over the calendar year) .


See the buttons below for more information regarding how points are allocated, how it works and the houses points tally.

House Carnival Results

24th March 2024

Blue House


Green House

Yellow House


Red House


Green House


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